A Wearable Sweat-based Glucose Sensor for Smart Healthcare Monitoring

Diabetes is a rampant chronic disease that undermines ability of cells to absorb glucose from blood due to poor insulin secretion and one of the major causes of death worldwide. Therefore, diabetics are recommended to monitor their blood glucose frequently every day to manage it within the clinical range. Recently, carbonbased nanomaterials such as carbon nanotube, laser-induced graphene, and reduced graphene oxide (rGO) have been received extensive interest owing to its unique advantages in glucose sensor, including high electrochemical surface area, excellent electron transfer rate, and acceptable biocompatibility [1]. Especially, the rGO not only promotes fast electron transfer kinetics for a wide range of electroactive species but also is rich in oxide functional groups, which immobilize glucose oxidase, as well as improvement of the sensitivity for low-concentration detection. Herein, we have newly developed a wearable sweat-based glucose sensor for smart healthcare monitoring. The rGO was drop-casted on the working electrode of glucose sensor for functionalization as a transducing material owing to the presence of carboxyl groups that can induce direct immobilization of enzymes. For more accurate measurement of sweat glucose level, pH and temperature sensors were further integrated.