
Enzymeless Free-Cholesterol Detection on Macroporous Au with Pt Nanoparticles

In this research, highly roughened and sensitive macroporous gold (Au) electrode with electroplated platinum (Pt) nanoparticles (MGE-nPts) was fabricated and characterized for enzymeless free-cholesterol detection. The fabricated MGE-nPts showed surface roughness factor (RF) of 1756 which was the highest one in the previous reported ones. And it was characterized in various cholesterol concentrations for checking its applicability. The fabricated MGE-nPts exhibited extremely high sensitivity of 54.8 mu AmM(-1)cm(-2) without being affected by interfering species. It exhibited also highly linear response to cholesterol concentration ranged up to 5 mM and its correlation coefficient was approximately 0.99. The highly roughened and sensitive characteristics to free-cholesterol of the fabricated MGE-nPts are strongly advantageous for enzymeless free-cholesterol biosensor applications.

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